Our Services

Market Research, Business Planning, Business Development, Investor Relations, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Training, Coaching

Market Research, Media Monitoring and Business Development

Orient Consulting is your reliable partner when it comes to prepping your business or Start-up for the next step: Connecting you to Investment Opportunities. We leverage our expertise in Media Production, Media Monitoring (TV, Radio, Print and Online), Marketing and Coaching to provide your business with what it needs to establish its brand and grow its market value by exploring new growth potential.

Investor Relations, Investment and Venture Capital Opportunities

We take your great idea from conception to reality by envisioning its potential, developing its concept and increasing its potential investment opportunities by connecting you to our network of investors in MENA and beyond.

Marketing and Digital Marketing Services

Business success is a result of collective factors but can't happen without implementing the most effective and efficient marketing strategies. We provide your business or Start-up with Investor Relations, Media Production, Media Monitoring and Marketing services.

Business Training and Coaching

We work with you, not replacing you. Thus; we ensure that your team has the needed skills and qualities that would integrate with our efforts to ensure long-term success.

Market Research & Media Monitoring0%

Business Planning and Development0%

Sales Management0%

Investor Relations and Venture Capital Opportunities0%

Marketing & Digital0%

Training and Coaching0%


Years of Experience


Clients Served




$12 Million Dollars Business Turnover Generated